i was a kid when i started reading stephen king. my mom had a huge collection, and i couldn't help becoming a fan.

stephen king once wrote a series of novels under a different alias, and there were a few of his fans that gave him shit. i'm hoping that any backlash sent my way isn't as bad.

this project includes the talents of three very special voice actors: Matt, Kit, and Brian. my best friend Jacob suggested that as 'k0r productions' evolves, i should step up to becoming my own producer.

and such, i stepped back and trusted in the process. throughout editing this project, everything began to feel right. another close friend remarked that he was completely taken aback, but then thought both Jacob and i were onto something.

i feel that even if i don't streamline the voice over material (though that is me voicing baby Yoda. i wasn't about to trust anyone else.) there is still some magic in the project. i hope that my subscribers end up feeling the same.

so with the help of those 3 awesome voice actors, i put together 'The Mandalorian: Abridged'. here's to a great military send off.