December 22nd, 2023

this February's (or possibly March, depending on military orders.) project is coming along well. there's a lot to workshop for it, but I've been knocking scenes out at a steady clip.

this year's Christmas project has also made it to TikTok and Instagram.

December 1st, 2023

i've finally updated the 'Evil Dead' synopsis. the latest project is soon to debut; if you cool cats haven't already checked out my TikTok i've finally found my temporary footing in recent weeks.

there's something to be said about breathing new life into these vids without music or captions. of course, i sacrifice my artistic vibe and shorten attention spans, but it's also neat to have that side of the house to offer something different.

next project will be set to unveil in February, the energy of it will probably completely kill me.

here's to the April project being a nice and calm setting.

November 15th, 2023

well i'm nothing if not incorrigible. project has been officially announced, debut date set to December 1st.

November 6th, 2023

Christmas project to be announced November 15th.


October 6th, 2023

y'all deserve more than a paltry post and for that i'm 72% apologetic. my girl and i are getting ready for this evening's khaki ball (oh yeah! i was accepted as chief.) and i just started adding some clips for this next project.

the project will be star wars, christmas themed. i figure a 180 from last months 'spooky' shit, doing a spin with more of a holiday vibe.

don't even get me started on the project after this one. that one is going to be a fucking doozy.

August 11th, 2023

so, here it is.

my life is about to be put on hold. all stops, kitchen sink to the wayside. the united states navy convening board has decided to select me for chief.

that means, chief initiation season kicks off the 23rd. this will be six weeks of them instilling their leadership through instruction and mentorship, with also probably a lot of yelling. they'll be throwing everything at once at not only myself, but my fellow chief selects. because it's not just about me anymore; i have to learn to ask for help when it's needed. (this will be a bitch, i've always been a "fuck it. i'm doing this myself." kind of person.)

right now i have TWO PROJECTS lined up for the future. i will not be stepping away from YouTube. the next two projects are set for a December and February launch date.

so expect the December video to be Christmas related. i'm not posting anything on my social networking about making chief; i'm waiting for their final 'hell night' and official frocking to put out any word.

i apologize for not reaching out sooner, as i've just returned from driving cross country helping out my brother with his new home. fun fact; i only managed a warning ticket in the state of Wyoming. the cop advised me at midnight to not be driving an "egregious" amount of speed.

subsequentially i told him i didn't know what the fuck that word meant.

July 20th, 2023

project debut day; the next two projects will be announced at the start of august.

expect something star wars related, followed with something a lot more action packed.

June 30th, 2023

July project to be announced momentarily via the main page. abandon all hope ye' who enter here.

June 20th, 2023

i'm still here, reintegrating with home life. the youtube channel has now been SEO orientated, with family friendly titles and search words.

just kidding, it thoroughly remains 'k0r productions', but with a minor facelift. the next project will be formally announced at the end of this month, but the working title will be: Evil Dead: Anthology.

June 4th, 2023

almost home...and i might have started messing with the TikTok side of the house.

the plan is that TikTok will host my YouTube projects without the original music in the future. we'll see how well that pans out.

May 28th, 2023

okay, so i lied.

'Avatar in 60 Seconds' has been posted. it'll take me a good minute to fill out the page breakdown; today we offload the rest of our gear and soon after we'll get on a plane for the long ride back.

my mind is presently on whatever gets me closer to home.

May 24th, 2023

we have officially turned over duties to our oncoming military unit, and please say it with me. it feels fucking good.

there are still a few weeks of out-processing, but currently uncle sam has officially taken us off their shit list. two huge projects lay in wait, but the work shopping will be both projects require a ton of TLC.

but in the mean time, i've found something magical to the sequel to 'Avatar'.

i was never a big fan of the series but see potential for a mini project. expect it in possibly a couple weeks, maybe even less than that.

as for those projects mentioned above? as much as it annoys the piss out of me, they're going to have to wait.

holy crap though, will they hopefully be worth your time.

May 12th, 2023

it's been a good minute, and for that i can account to our turning over process and last minute missions. the last video still needs its page to be completed, along with next month's project announcement.

i hope you guys and gals are doing awesome. expect the next project's announcement sometime beginning of June.

April 26th, 2023

project's announced debut is May 5th. would've been sooner; we have had our hands full with this last month's mission set.

good news is that the project will hopefully be worth the wait.

May 1st edit: we've just had a mission come up, and the video might have to be delayed until the 7th. again, i cannot wait until we're home and away from this shit.

April 17th, 2023

latest project has been formally announced, and i sure hope i didn't just jinx it.

with principal workshopping and editing completed, individual scripts have been sent out to their respective awesome voice actresses and actors. there will be a collection period and review process soon after, followed by final editing with caption implementation.

i feel this may be the last major swansong until returning home from mobilization, but for the time being i feel have one more project stuck up my sleeve for May - June time frame.

it's going to be nice editing when i'm home instead of overseas.

April 8th, 2023

i'm still here, and it's getting down to end of mobilization crunch time.

here's looking at you.

March 19th, 2023

fun fact, i passed my expeditionary warfare murder board. that's one major hurdle down, leaving the mobilization cruise book and a handful of other items at the back of my mind.

but the cute thing is, i'm currently working three video projects. though technically, i'm working one, while workshopping the future two. also... did you know that it is presently raining here in africa?

the next video project has been announced, and oh boy. it's going to do its best to knock you flat on your ass. i can't tell for sure if it will be unveiled pre-John Wick 4, but even if it isn't, i'd like to dedicate it to Lance Reddick, the ultimate badass i started watching with the debut of the series 'Fringe'.

gone but not forgotten, man. you are a freaking saint.

March 9th, 2023

well, the mobilization should be winding down... but for some reason refuses to do so.

i have an oral board for my expeditionary warfare pin coming up soon, so i have been studying my ass off for that. time management is a crucial thing for all walks of life, as i'm juggling fifteen other things but still find time for myself. i think all of us could do with proper time management, for as leaders we need to be self-aware of our limitations and be able to...

...i apologize. i'm graduating a leadership development course today, and dialogue is trickling out without my say so.

the next major project for april has been in the works, and i will put out the title no later than the end of this month. as always, the Shorts section is on the back of my mind and will be implemented in the near future. 

Shorts will be accessible through my youtube channel, and any updates regarding new Shorts will be spontaneous and spurt of the moment.

kind of like the events in my life.

February 25th, 2023

quick update, i've a mini project in the works that should be posted first week of march. be on the lookout.

February 14th, 2023

this month's project is now live, accessible through both site link and youtube channel. i know that i had mentioned a 'Shorts' section; for now this will be TBD while juggling both civilian and military life.

my next project will debut in April but for now remain on the lookout for monthly updates of YouTube Shorts. April's project will be announced no later than mid-March.

February 4th, 2023

they say multi-tasking kills brain cells, so at this point i'm technically a vegetable.

the following updates are listed below:

come to think of it... nothing will ever be '100%'. but be ready for a hopeful ass kicking regardless.

January 23rd, 2023

quick update, next YouTube Shorts will start work at the close this coming week. which coincidentally will also fall in line with a slew of missions lying just over the horizon.

sort of a good news / bad news vibe. official 'shorts' section will come into effect once second YouTube Short is posted.

January 18th, 2023

so i'm dipping my feet into the 'YouTube Shorts' pond. check out the channel for official posting and expect them at a monthly clip if i choose to pursue.

if the coming weekend is off for our unit i'll work up a new 'Shorts' section onto this page as well.

"There and Back Again" remains on a collision course for this coming Valentine's Day. outtakes that didn't make the final cut will be included in a requisite 'Shorts' provided video.

January 15th, 2023

the missions we are undertaking are beginning to ramp up. i have officially grown accustomed to cat naps onboard combat boats that rock along with the ocean.

being able to sleep in my rack is now a weekly achievement in itself.

the good news is that february project is all but done. i have been floating the idea of creating 'YouTube Shorts' to occupy a type of 'mid-month' production cycle, only as time permits. but this would entail music free scenes posted with every project debut.

i'm also curious about posting shorts of previous projects without music dubbed but that'll be considered for a later date. on a lighter note, i sure wish i could post pictures and videos of the shit we're doing out here. operational security can be a bitch at times. 

January 8th, 2023

we're almost to the halfway point of this mobilization.

this leaves two projects left, with the first unveiling on Valentine's day. work shopping has been completed and respective recordings are being gathered.

expect a formal announcement sometime in the next coming week. always know that even when military operations are running us ragged, i'm here and my mind is constantly reviewing the script.

and this script involves you. and all the badass that comes with it.