December 21st, 2022

video is live. happy birthday Dad. <3

December 16th, 2022

get your collective butts ready.

December 5th, 2022
(December 11th update - promotional material still pending.)

sitting on this month’s video is making me antsy. but i made myself a goal, and i don’t want to go down in history as a fibber.

promotional tour of the video will start soon. which'll likely be between the 7th and the 10th, though don’t hold me to that just yet; there should be something special in the works concerning that.

this next video will include the works of the awesome cats that helped with the Mandalorian, and Jane from Breaking Bad. there will also be a few strong newcomers that i feel can turn shit to sugar.

hold onto your butts this coming 21st. expect promo material to drop on the site within the new few days.

November 17th, 2022

my body has officially accumulated to africa's heat.

that, or the winter here has tamed the usual 100 degrees to a respectful 93. i haven't really noticed.

the voice over production for the upcoming project "MARVEL: UNITY" is a week from being turned in, with the bulk of principal editing being officially completed. i want to resume working on my expeditionary warfare pinning as soon as possible, with boat operations picking up soon.

i'd like the debut for the project to be on the date of my Dad's birthday, the 21st of this coming month. there's a slight chance i'll grow impatient and pull the date to the 14th, but it's doubtful.

but i do know that this video will do its best to rock your socks off. i honestly can't keep from stealing a daily peak at it, and i produced the damn thing.

November 4th, 2022

strange how a cultural shock may occur between two separate blog posts.

we are currently in theater stationed out here in africa. turns out the weather isn't as bad as we made out, but it isn't exactly summertime either.

i'm bunked with a pretty cool dude, and i'm living in what amounts to be a 7 by 7 cell. today is day four, and i guess it could be worse. i might not have access to wifi entirely.

work shopping was halted a week ago, i'm working to get myself out of the temporary rut i'm in. it usually takes a month to fall into that 'deployment' repetition, and i'm hoping to have it beat by a week or so.

October 20th, 2022

first off, i want to say you all are amazing. i will forever be thankful for your continued support.

i'm almost finished gathering the materials needed for the next few months of work shopping. i've planned on four video projects to unveil while serving overseas; here is my tentative line up:

December - Marvel: Unity
February - Untitled Fantasy production, (House of Dragons + Wheel of Time + LOTR Rings of Power related)

April and May will be for now listed as surprises, though i do have material planned for them. sorry not sorry.

October 12th, 2022

today is my girl's birthday, and i've been able to squeeze in a free moment while she's in the shower.

the october video was finished two days ago and will be unveiled this coming friday. now if you'll excuse me, i'll be giving my girlfriend another present.

this one shower related.

September 29th, 2022

my last month in this country is october, and i've decided to go big. that means an awful lot of halloween decorations.

our final evaluation week also didn't go as swimmingly as initially predicted. we have a few teams retraining for evaluations, which means myself and a few others are drawn back into the suck.

expect the October project later on in the month. as always, you guys fucking rock.

September 15th, 2022

if you're checking the blog, bonus points for you. the final vid before heading overseas has the current working title: "Walking Dead: Abridged". i've finished work shopping season five; to say my command has been busy these past few weeks would be an understatement.

next week is the final week of training evaluation. after that it should be quieter...but i'll believe that when i see it.

expect the formal announcement for October's video later this month.

August 29th, 2022

so, i did a thing. the youtube channel got a facelift.

next video will be announced early september, with an estimated arrival time of october 1st.

i'm not intending to have professionals voice this one either, this travesty will be voiced by yours truly.

August 16th, 2022

imagine a world where i hadn't enlisted into the military.

imagine a world where i was fifty pounds heavier. today i could've been working some dead-end job, but i bet even with those claim to fames i'd have more time to work on the next video.

but, the military is my life. i'm sitting here with a decently fit frame (my face is still out to lunch.) and trying to allocate as much time as i can into work shopping.

i know you don't want to hear about it, but my current military achievements are:

1) founded a first class petty officer association. i drafted up a proposal, got all of us together, and wasn't laughed out of the room. we had our voting on cabinet positions last week, it went off without a hitch.

2) drafted into an upcoming 9/11 event as master of ceremonies. sounds legitimate, probably going to fuck it up.

3) temporarily assuming duties as command fitness leader. don't ask, because my money is on me fucking this one up.

there are a few other things, but i'm not about to break my right arm jerking myself off. the next project before heading overseas will be a big one, and i aim for it to be something that i provide the voice overs for completely.

August 4th, 2022

i'm still alive, just been putting together things that should help myself with a few others making a better chance at attaining chief petty officer next year.

know that i'm still here, and work shopping the next project is very much alive. if just a bit dormant.

but i'm planning on a big one before we head overseas, i promise you guys that.

July 21st, 2022

july video is posted, this blog entry will be edited once i'm able to officially add it to the site.

i also didn't make chief, but next year will hopefully be pretty sweet.

edit: July 23rd - breaking bad submission posted.

July 18th, 2022

i've received all the voice work from the respective actors and actresses. unfortunately, the chief results have been delayed until tomorrow.

but it's time to start working some magic; this morning i was able to bring both my tower and monitor onto base to edit the new vid.

here's to that happy 'magic in the bottle' shit.

July 5th, 2022

hope you all had an awesome holiday weekend, because i just about threw my back out doing yard work for the missus. the things we do for love, yeah?

tomorrow we get back into the mobilization training and qualifications. i've recruited another voice actor for the July project and will be work shopping infrequently as time elapses. the training we're currently doing on the military side of the house requires me to achieve pertinent qualifications, which is making producing a bit of a nightmare.

but you guys are worth it, and i'm going to fucking manage either way.

June 27th, 2022

i blink and a chunk of time passes. fun times.

we're back from living the shared barracks life; work shopping has resumed on the July video. estimated deadline is no later than July 18th, which is when the navy chief results are announced.

expect the official video announcement no later than the first week of July.

June 12th, 2022

we're still going hard with machine gun shooting and tactical training. the junior guys and i have accustomed ourselves to the shared berthing, but we absolutely cannot wait to get back home.

the voice actors for the next project are still with me, the moment i get a second to really wind down i'll resume work shopping and will post an update notice on what the project will look like.

May 31st, 2022

apparently, there is no such thing as a day off. it was a week ago i had to face the reality that i might not be able to get the June project off in time.

i remain in constant communication with the voice actors, but it seems the military is enjoying sending their curved balls my way. FUTURE MILITARY DATES:

i am being shipped to Quantico in less than a week. open barracks, shared showers, the complete marine life. there will be long hour days and late evening gun shoots. (i plan on bringing a serious set of ear protection to block out the bullshit.)

i'll be spending some time there shooting 240 and 50 caliber machine guns. we are told we are going to hate life, and i 'simply cannot wait' for the prospect.

also, the second date of note: my NAVY CHIEF RESULTS arrive july 18th - 24th. i do not think the stars will align for me, but in the hypothetical universe that they do...there will simply be not enough time for me to produce a video project until september / october time frame.

at least, i don't think there will be. but then, i don't exactly place a lot of stock in fate.

know that the next video project has been started on, it's just presently in stasis. i have not and will not forget about it or you guys.

and speaking of which, you guys fucking rock. know that you are awesome, and cherished every step of the way into this mobilization. update you soon.

May 19th, 2022

if i didn't say that my military unit kept me busy as if it were the end of the world, i'd be lying. and since i make it a personal principle to shit on those that lie, i'll do my best to make myself succinct.

we are just about halfway done with in-processing, where our medical and operational status is confirmed good to go. from here, we'll head to varying military bases to begin the never-ending process of being tactically proficient at crew served weapons. we'll have to prove to our big brother navy that we won't cause an international incident overseas by shooting during a situation of which we obviously could not discern right from wrong.

"but what does this mean for the future videos?" holy shit, am i glad you asked.

i am slowly but surely work shopping the project for june. i have enlisted the aid of two voice actors who are spot on perfect for their respective roles, and as time creeps on i'll reach out in the event further voice actors are needed.

i am not sure when the project will be live, as the military is bit of a sporadic beast at the moment. but i can say that the announcement will be no later than the start of next month.

May 10th, 2022

the may project is active, and i spent my quota of time writing up the synopsis for the additional sub page featured above.

i wish i tell you i had the energy here to write a blog entry, but that'd be a lie. i have three more days of freedom before my orders hit. i intend to spend them blacked out.

May 4th, 2022

told myself that i wouldn't do it. the problem is, it's a required thing.

'may the 4th be with you'.

sigh. the project of this month has finished being work shopped, with scenes comprised from both 'Mandalorian' and the 'Book of Boba Fett'.

i'm planning something of a surprise with the debut of this project. something that's, a little special.

during the course of the video's debut i will be placed on military orders, and as of now i'm not 100% sure of how that will effect future projects.

just know that i'll be here, and this website isn't going anywhere. i'll let you awesome cats know the schedule once i do.

April 26th, 2022

three more days of my final work week, with just a few more weeks before my ready load date kicks off.

work shopping has begun on next month's project. i'm also aiming to try something majorly different.

which i'm hoping is a positive. time will tell, expect the new project announcement around the beginning of May.

April 17th, 2022

happy easter. i know it was said last month april's project would be posted on the 15th, with the official announcement being slated for the 20th.

so this is my version of a happy little compromise. i've less than a month to start work on the may project, with current plans in motion. once my orders kick off i expect a lot of back and forth with the military.

next month's project will be announced no later than may 1st. and once shit either slows down or speeds up post may 13th, i'll let you know.

April 6th, 2022

i'm here, if a bit rushed. april project is currently being work shopped and the official announcement will be made within a week.who knew there was so much damn premobilization paperwork.

March 24th, 2022

my orders are coming to a close. i had a big push towards next month's project at the start, but then we had to go and fuck around on boats.

see if you can spot the jackass.

and just now in the process of giving my girl a wake up call, i realized my voice has become hoarse. i've been yelling too much during the past two weeks; official boat duties can suck.

but i'm here to tell you i'm alive, and i'll be jumping back on a plane here soon home. further updates concerning my upcoming mobilization will be included here, and once my girl and i are back in the swing of things, recommencement on April's project will be a go.

March 15th, 2022

so the penny's dropped. or has been dropped.

you know what? fuck pennies.

regardless, the march project has been posted for better or worse. once i'm home from work today, i'll start workshopping scenes for april.

March 9th, 2022

so, soon i'll be jumping on a plane for military orders. and then sometime this year i'll be mobilizing.

this being social networking, i can't say where until after the fact. if you've my number you can call, but otherwise 'opsec' is the name of the game.

if you don't know what that is, i'm sure you've got google on standby.

i'm still going to crack away at the youtube vids. no amount of bullshit in the world is going to stop that.

other than maybe yeah, my own lackluster initiative. 

March 1st, 2022

so i'll be mobilizing on orders later in the year; all negotiating tactics have been shot to shit.

i'm jumping on a plane in less than two weeks and hope to have the marvel vid up a couple days or so after that.

hope everyone's doing well in this crazy world, as i'm currently too tired to think.

February 17th, 2022

i once read somewhere that multitasking kills brain cells. by that measure, i should be a walking fucking zombie.

do zombies even fuck? anyway.

the Reserves has me setting myself in fifty directions at once, with mobilization training just over the horizon. i'll be heading to rhode island on the 13th of march; i hope that through multitasking the monthly video will be posted prior. if need be, i'll be packing my equipment for the trip.

on the bright side, once i get back i'll have already be started on the next video. that, and i'll find out whether or not i'm selection board eligible (navy E-7) during the first couple weeks of april.

i sure hope i didn't just jinx myself.

February 11th, 2022

i'm pretty sure there's a gremlin fucking with the layout to this site, but that's okay. i'm patient.

february video is posted, and i'm going to be work shopping the next project soon. i'll be sent to rhode island this march 14th on military orders; the powers that be have informed me i'll be mobilizing to africa later on this year.

that doesn't mean i'm going to have to put youtube on hold, it just means i'll have to adjust.

but again, that's fine. i'm patient.

February 5th, 2022

insert witty blog entry here. i'll figure out a proper layout for this later within the coming week.