October 10th, 2024

Owning my house and flying solo should be an excuse to spend money, but I have been budgeting across the board. The Miles Morales project is all but done, but the advertising budget is next to nil. Producing videos may have to be put on the back burner until I have those funds to spend.

You guys are the best, and thank you for understanding. As always I have the next four projects planned out in my mind; I just need to save up the money for subsequent voice talent and advertising.

October 1st, 2024

Yeah, so about that last update.

Miles Morales will be unveiling in October. The Halloween project is on course for October 2025. It turns out there is a lot more material needed to do it justice, and if I take my time with it the juice will definitely be worth the squeeze.

Having said that, if 'Smile 2' turns out to be workable there may be cause to give my original YouTube short a sequel in time for this spooky season. 

August 1st, 2024

You guys deserve better, and for that I apologize.

Settling into the house has been a fucking blast. I've taken on the never-ending list of house ownership and have been living life with 'frugality' being the name of the game.

Which in turn, now leads me into what I really need to talk about.

Each video production costs me around 300 - 700 dollars. I don't necessarily see a positive uptick in funds with monetization, making each project a personal legacy contribution. The next project, 'Miles Morales', is slated for at least a September debut. There's a Halloween project that I've been scripting for since last October, so that should be the one scheduled to follow.

After that, will likely be a Mad Max / Fallout collaboration. I hope you all are well and hope to get back to this business soon.

June 19th, 2024

been trying to close on my new house, with the delays running a bit rampant.

I've let my voice talent know that there will be delays with 'Miles Morales' and the Fallout / Mad Max themed project to follow.

fun fact, I've work shopped a wicked 'House of Dragons' clip last night. I'm not completely sure if it will be used in the future but it was wicked to have caught it.

May 26th, 2024

so the beautiful time about staying dormant online is that quick synopsis explaining what has been going on in my positively chaotic life. so are you ready? let’s get it.

since my last update, here are the pertinent bullets.

ending of my relationship. the high note being, it has been the most positive way I’ve ever seen a relationship close out. we were simply lovers who had become best friends living with one another.

hunting for a new house. self explanatory, but has been one hell of an adventure with my real estate agent being an absolute wrecking ball.

new job. stepping up from federal security, I’ve joined a close team of guys and gals that are an absolute blast to work with.

the project uploaded today was originally intent on debuting tomorrow, but working a full 12 and I may not have the time to put up. but hey, it’s close enough for government work.

April 25th, 2024

This months project has gone live, with a different rendering / track choice utilized for TikTok and Instagram. Fun fact, I've been sitting on that music since 2013 with never a clue as to best use it.

July's double project unveilings will (should) be announced at the beginning of June. I start my new job this Monday, undergoing the painstaking steps of moving out and into a future new home. My childhood best friend's mother once told me it's never too late to start a new chapter.

I wish I could say I'm personally tired of writing my life's book. But every day is an adventure, baby.


April 8th, 2024

The two projects 'The Chronicles of Elsa Dutton' and 'Star Trek Legacy' are coming along absolutely fantastic. I have plans to unveil two additional projects at the end of July, one of which will be of a 'Miles Morales' theme. 

There's an additional two to follow in September / October, a Halloween themed project I've been working on since the start of this year, and a possible...

...well, I won't talk about that one just yet. I'm still waiting to be 100% on board with it.

March 21st, 2024

Sitting here in a hotel room in New London having just finished this month's project early. The tail end of my military orders and I'm not trying to be rushed flying home Saturday. (Mindy babe, I'm coming.)

I had initially brought my computer with me to finalize this project and had forgotten the power supply for it. Thankfully, I'm about to make a second trip to Best Buy for a 'return' I hopefully will not be regretting ten years from now.

Hash tag sorry not sorry.

March 1st, 2024

Upcoming March project announced. Couple of new players with this, and I'm excited to see how our collaboration pans out.

Next projected ensembles to be a monumental SCI-FI romp in May, with a western project scheduled shortly prior.

February 20th, 2024

New projects are live, with the official title for April's project to be announced no later than March 15th.

I really need to get around to adding TikTok / Instagram video links.

February 14th, 2024

Finishing off last touches to the upcoming projects, but I'm sure I'll find mistakes after their respective debuts. BIG NEWS, last night I caught lightning in a bottle with regards to the third season of Witcher.

Expect a project earlier than the one proposed to debut this May, likely in April.

February 7th, 2024

This months' projects are all but done. I hate to sit on them, but the two projects following will have a debut in May. The delay is primarily to cover down on the two-and-a-half-month gap in-between.

I'm chomping at the bit to get these uploaded, especially the Twin Peaks Short.

January 16th, 2024

It's a bitch to admit when you're getting old. Working out every day, doing your damnest to eat right. We've been trying to have our kid like there's no tomorrow.

But that isn't exactly right, is it? We want to have our kid -for- tomorrow, for our future. I've become a navy chief petty officer, which is throwing my life for the most spectacular loop. All excuses in life aside, here is the current breakdown for 2024.

There will be four main projects. One to debut this February, the second in May, and the two following for the end of this year. There will definitely be a 'Halloween' one themed for the month of October.

As of now, expect the next project announcement at the beginning of February. Expect a bonus YouTube short to come with it. (Spoiler alert, it's Twin Peaks.)